Website Redesign SEO Checklist to Prioritize to Preserve and Boost SEO Rankings

Table of Contents

  1. Website Redesign Process
  2. SEO Checklist to Give Priority to When Redesigning Your Site
    • Perform Website Analysis
    • Ensure the Older Version of Your Site Remains Live
    • Save Old Site’s Crawling Information
    • Old URLs Redirection
    • Refrain from Changing Anything in URL Structures
    • Audit and Modify Web Content
  3. Conclusion

Website redesign is an important step for any business looking to update its online presence and improve user experience. However, during this process, it's crucial to prioritize SEO to preserve and boost your existing search engine rankings. Working with an SEO company like SEO company Dubai can help ensure that your redesign not only enhances aesthetics but also maintains or improves your SEO performance.

Website Redesign Process

A website redesign involves updating the look, feel, and functionality of your website. This process can include changing the design layout, updating content, improving navigation, and integrating new features. While redesigning your site, it's essential to consider how these changes will impact your SEO efforts.

SEO Checklist to Give Priority to When Redesigning Your Site

Perform Website Analysis

Before making any changes, conduct a thorough analysis of your current website and its SEO performance. Identify high-performing pages, keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and areas for improvement. This analysis will serve as a baseline to measure the impact of the redesign on your SEO.

Ensure the Older Version of Your Site Remains Live

Keep the older version of your site live until the new design is fully implemented and tested. This ensures uninterrupted access for users and search engines to your content. It also serves as a fallback option if any issues arise during the redesign process.

Save Old Site’s Crawling Information

Preserve the crawling information of your old site, including XML sitemaps and robots.txt files. This data helps search engines understand your site’s structure and content, facilitating smoother indexing and crawling of the redesigned site.

Old URLs Redirection

Redirect old URLs to corresponding new URLs using 301 redirects. This tells search engines that the content has permanently moved to a new location. Failure to redirect old URLs can result in broken links, loss of traffic, and decreased rankings.

Refrain from Changing Anything in URL Structures

Maintain the existing URL structure as much as possible. Changing URLs unnecessarily can confuse search engines and cause them to treat the new pages as completely different from the old ones. If URL changes are unavoidable, implement proper redirects and update internal links accordingly.

Audit and Modify Web Content

Review and update your web content during the redesign process. Ensure that all content is relevant, optimized for target keywords, and aligned with your SEO strategy. Improve readability, incorporate relevant keywords naturally, and enhance multimedia elements like images and videos.


In conclusion, a website redesign offers an opportunity to enhance user experience and modernize your online presence. However, it’s crucial to prioritize SEO to preserve and boost your existing search engine rankings. By following the SEO checklist outlined above and collaborating with an experienced SEO company Dubai, you can minimize the risks associated with redesigning your site and ensure a smooth transition. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and continuous monitoring and optimization are key to maintaining and improving your site’s visibility and performance in search engine results.